You'd think that a meeting about budgets and brand identity might be a bit boring, which it could be, but we got out of the office and went to Big Bear (up in the San Bernardino mountains and in the San Bernardino National Forest). Big Bear had a lot of great snow this winter and still has some at the highest elevations.
The sign appears to read 6754 ft elevation, but my lungs would beg to differ and suggest that there is a 1 missing from in front of the 6....
The riding was incredible there, even at altitude. I rode the loop around the lake several times. The loop is 17 miles and makes for a great ride, with rolling hills and great twisty mountain road descents; nothing like passing cars, on the inside, at 40+ miles an hour, screaming down a mountainside. Plus, the scenery along the lake road was... well, breathtaking...
It wasn't all rides and giggles though. On top of having meetings that lasted all day, except for the break around noon where we got to ride, I even had to man the grill and help prepare meals...
I tell ya', it isn't all glamour, fame and fortune... ok, there's no glamour, fame or fortune at all.
Hopefully now I can get back to focusing on the major projects ahead, like finishing the catalog, getting all sample bikes here and built and further developing the line and its future (big goal there).
Welcome back! Glad the meetings were productive. I'm sure we'll all be seeing some of the results in the near future right here!
Sure looks tough...
The highest I've been is 14,255' elevation. Believe me, if you were at 16K feet you would definitely know the difference between that and a mere 6000 feet.
My brother had an old VW bug that caught fire up at Big Bear once. He MacGyvered the damaged wires and drove it back down to San Bernardino (where he was living at the time).
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