If anyone sees anything they want in Tim's "daily sock photos" please let me know. I am willing to help Tim clean out his cube and send the "sample parts" to you for testing. Tim has alot of good stuff in his cube and I am sure he will not miss it.
Way back in 1974, the Grand Prix of the United States at the Encino Velodrome, the Soviet National team was intrigued by Gerald Ash's huge thighs and the two scars about 2" long on the top of each. They asked why. The reply was deer tendons wre inserted for a better jump...They thought it was the truth. Masi content, Jerry later rode a Masi track bike.
Much prefer the Soviet Anthem to the new Russian one.
There's a total of 13 sock ENDORSMENTS involing this name, in this Blog. 10 of those - are with the Sockguy name. ?How much $$$ is Tim J. making off this "BLOG"; in addition to his Masi occupation?
Is Tim showing off his socks, his watch, his hot shoes, or the pile of parts that he is suppose to be testing but is not?
If anyone sees anything they want in Tim's "daily sock photos" please let me know. I am willing to help Tim clean out his cube and send the "sample parts" to you for testing. Tim has alot of good stuff in his cube and I am sure he will not miss it.
Way back in 1974, the Grand Prix of the United States at the Encino Velodrome, the Soviet National team was intrigued by Gerald Ash's huge thighs and the two scars about 2" long on the top of each. They asked why. The reply was deer tendons wre inserted for a better jump...They thought it was the truth. Masi content, Jerry later rode a Masi track bike.
Much prefer the Soviet Anthem to the new Russian one.
Anon #3 (if that is your real name)- what's "GAY"? The post, the story about the 1974 Grand Prix or your reply? I'm confused, please elaborate.
And thanks for visiting.
Interesting how the face of the watch matches the socks...did you plan it that way? I think you did, Mr. fashionista.
Aaaagh! You are a reformed communist!! ;)
There's a total of 13 sock ENDORSMENTS involing this name, in this Blog. 10 of those - are with the Sockguy name. ?How much $$$ is Tim J. making off this "BLOG"; in addition to his Masi occupation?
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