Tuesday, March 09, 2010


Time is one of those things that seems to never be around in a big enough quantity- unless you're waiting for something/ someone.

Time is always around in short supply.

Time heals all wounds, or at least many of them.

Time always runs out too quickly.

Time is forgiving, until it isn't.

Time is usually more important when it is our own and less when it belongs to somebody else.

Time is a universal unit of measure, yet many people have no concept of it (like my 8 year old daughter).

Time is precious, time is important and time should never be wasted.
Time is something that seems to be escaping me a lot these days and I never have enough of it to go around for all the things I want to do, people I want to be with and work I need to do.

Time is sometimes an evil bitch.

I am often reminded of what time means to me. Mostly, time is what I have to share with my family and when that is stretched thin, I get melancholy... I admit it.


1 comment:

Jim Masi said...

Hi Tim,
As you can see by my last name, I have a personal interest in the product you represent! I stumbled across your blog and intend to follow for a while, it looks like a lot of interesting stuff. I'm especially interested in following links to classic restorations and the like. I ride, but would have to say not seriously- I have a Masi Nuova Strada and a Co-Motion Primera Tandem. I don't intend for this to be posted on your blog, I just wanted to say Hi to someone who's putting "our" name out there:)
Best to you,
Jim Masi
E. Windsor, NJ