Friday, September 23, 2005

I'll be seeing you...

Been in the office since just after 7:00 this morning so we can get a caravan going to pick up the rental trucks for Vegas. I'm winning huge points with my wife right now, who suggested I get a hotel room for the next few days since I will only be around for a "few more hours"... on top of the fact that my daughter is sick, like Daddy, and I have been nearly invisible for the better part of 2+ weeks... I'm really popular around the house. I can't say I blame her at all- this is the toll of show season and it is a very real thing. Every year, this is a difficult period for my family. My wife knows it is coming, but it doesn't make it any easier or fun. It is a strange situation; the shows are a lot of hard work, a lot of fun (for me anyway) and a lot of time away from the family. It means juggling the stress of the shows, the fun of the shows and then the guilt of being away from the people you love and miss being near.

This is the price of having a job that I really love having. I am sure that there are other industry people out there who know exactly what I am talking about.

Like I mentioned the other day, posts from here on out will be few and far between, most likely. If I am unable to post for a while, it is because I was unable to get my wireless to work or to get a good land connection going- similar to what happened the first few days of Montreal. Keep checking in though because I do intend to try and get things to work.

Good bye for now- it's off to load trucks and make the final push for Vegas.



Anonymous said...

Yo sexy hunk o love,

IB will be wireless I heard. Superfeet show up yet?

Me, you, Josh, Weds. Beer????


dan23dan23 said...

I've been getting crap too, I'm glad I don't have all the headaches you are going through, Marketing has all the headache, sales just shows up to work.

My daughter did just call me to make sure we go see the new Tim Burton film, Corpse Bride. She's only 5 and loves Nightmare Before Christmas, and she thought that this movie is the sequel. Any who, I'll see you at the show! No hugs or kisses, as I don't want to get sick.