Took Masidaughter to the San Diego New Children's Museum today, thanks to my sister getting us year passes (thanks Sis'). It is such a cool place with really interesting architecture and tons of really amazing activities for the kids. The punkin loves the place and I have to admit that daddy digs it too. The weather wasn't as wet as I feared it would be, but it was cool and grey all day, so the indoor fun of the museum really made the day into something much more fun.

The place was literally crawling with tons of children today- apparently I wasn't the only parent in San Diego looking for something fun to do with their kids with the iffy weather. It was so much fun though and we were there all the way until they were closing at 4:00.
Tomorrow is likely to bring more of the same sort of cool, grey weather; maybe I'll end up using that video rental gift card for a few fun flicks to watch from the warmth of the couch...
Wouldn't most adult workplaces be much more fun with a bubble station?
You are so screwed when MasiDaughter starts dating.
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