But... today, for the first time in nearly 3 months, I went for a ride during my lunch break. I've been on my road bike about 5 times in the past 3 months! Work and travel, and being daddy, have kept me off of my bike for a very long time. It's sad to say that I am well enough to ride and have not had any time or energy to actually do it. Needless to say, my fat, outta shape arse was suffering just to do a short 45 minute ride. I was breathing hard and standing to get slowly over short rises I normally spin seated over. It was humbling, but energizing. The day was beautiful and it only took a few seconds to remember why it is that I love to ride bikes. I'm SOOOOO far from being in any other kind of shape than "round", but the short, simple ride had me itching to get back into real shape so I can race again. It's just in my blood- which is no longer full of thinners, by the way- and is something I sincerely love to do. So hopefully a slower schedule will allow me the chance to get on the bike enough to be able to consider racing again by the end of the summer. It's a longshot, but it's my new goal... that and losing at least 20 pounds!
Some friends of mine and I were having a little discussion recently about messy desks, so here is my submission for review;

One of the cooler things about my job is the people I have gotten to meet and get to know. Yesterday I got a little package from my friend Nick in San Francisco (formerly of San Diego);
Nick is now a full-blown cross junky living in the Bay Area and racing for the cool Crossniacs team. Nick knows that I like cool t-shirts. Nick knows a cool t-shirt when he sees one. Now I have that cool t-shirt. That's cool! (Thanks Nick!)
Tomorrow is another day of trying to consolidate my power so that I can take over the free world... I mean... so we can better develop and provide you with the best bikes ever made!
Now it is time to sleep.
Masi guy. Thanks for sporting the Crossniac colors.
Much appreciated
Jared Roy
President, Crossniacs
No problem, Tim... keep up the good work!
Best of luck for 2009 Masi guy, & for getting into shape for 2009!
Glad you are on the bike again, but I think you have the best reason of all to have been off...being a dad. That's even more important. Recognizing that is why you are such a great daddy to Masidaughter. Enjoy those days when you can sneak in a ride. :)
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