Sunday, July 27, 2008

More Video from Sales Meeting.

Here's a snippet of a discussion on fixed gear bikes. (This is a lower quality version of the file- so let me know what the image quality is like... and yes, I know the sound quality is not all that stupendous.)



Anonymous said...

hi tim

awesome of you to post this but yeah the sound is very blair witchy... very difficult to understand the audio.


Mark Ritz said...

The audio is pretty awful; hard to understand a lot of what was said. That said, you look like you're moving very well. How's the knee taking all the standing/walking?


J Quaglia said...

Cool description of the fixie phenomenon from what I could understand. Style mixed with a simple and enjoyable riding experience.

Keep up the good fight!

Yokota Fritz said...

I realize you're a ways away from LA, but did you feel the quake?

Tim Jackson said...

Yes, we felt it Fritz. It was pretty muted... which is good to me because I hate quakes.

Anonymous said...

are yu wearing a Skort in this photo???