What lay ahead for me that night was a long and sometimes frightening path to becoming strong enough to ride again one day. Nearly eight weeks with a cervical collar on, as well as a knee brace and crutches felt like an eternity. The loving support of friends, family and many of you helped make it possible for me to fight on through all the frustrations. There were some difficult times during the recovery process and from time to time I wondered if it really was time to "hang up the cleats".
Tonight, once I got home from a long day at work, I quickly scrambled to take advantage of the last bits of sunlight left and hurriedly got out for a ride. I grabbed my iPod Shuffle and scurried down the stairs in my cycling shoes, carrying my bike, and headed off to enjoy a few miles. I took off quickly, not allowing myself much time to warm up, and began pushing the pedals pretty hard from the beginning. I had to remind myself to slow down a little or risk running out of fuel too quickly, or potentially straining a muscle. I didn't really listen to myself, but at least I was conscious of the fact I was going too hard too soon... but I didn't care at all. I felt a lot like I did when I was a kid in high school, rushing home to get a training ride in before having to concentrate (meekly) on homework and chores. I hardly felt like a 39 year old with kids and bills tonight- I had some of that same passionate excitement to ride as I did when I was 16 and dreaming of Tour de France podiums. I also didn't feel like I was recovering anymore- I felt strong and healthy and attacked the ride with determination. I powered up each climb, not allowing myself to rest before reaching the top. I pushed the pedals hard at every opportunity- and it felt really good.
I've given up on the Tour podiums now, though I still dream of other podiums more in keeping with my age and ability. I still have the passion to ride and I feel blessed that I am now able to ride again with almost no problems. The neck is still very stiff and bothers me sometimes and the right arm still doesn't quite straighten, but I am otherwise able to ride without limitation... other than the relative lack of fitness.

Tonight was a celebration of life and the gift of health. As I have been saying for months now, "I'm well enough to be able to complain about not being able to ride as much or as often as I would like, due to my work schedule."
Thank you for your encouragement and support this past year and before- I consider myself lucky to know you all.

Tim, your story over the last year has been amazing and very inspirational. Thanks for sharing it with us!
Keep pedaling!
ok, it wasn't like you had a serious bike accident and less than a year later your kicking butt again. :) Seriously, it's really good to see you're enjoying the time on the bike. Looks like your on Moreno blvd. a street I know very well, every crack and bump. I ride it several times a week. I would've been starstruck if I ran across Masiguy on Moreno. Maybe next time! Good to see your spirits are high.
Very cool. Been following your story - great to see you rolling again.
Tim, I started following your blog not long after your accident last year. It's been a fascinating and inspiring story. It must be a pretty incredible high to be riding hard again!
What's with giving up on the Tour de France podiums? Come on man! Dream big!
Having been a fan of you and your blog for a long time, and then being there that night at the track, has given me a unique insight into all the people and lives you come into contact with.
The outporing of support and concern from your huge extended friend network was an awesome sight to see/read about.
There are many superlatives, but the bicycle is a beautiful machine that brings together many (awesome) people from around the country/world.
It's great to see you out on the road/track when I do, and to read about your continual positivity in the face of 'hanging it up.
After a race weekend with another high, but not top placing, I chanced to come over here and remember that it's all about being *able* to ride that is the victory.
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