Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I work with buttheads...

I work with a few buttheads, namely our art department. They took a break from designing stickers to make a movie spoof of me. I am admittedly a geek- there's no hiding it- so the guys often call me a "Barney", kinda like being called a "Fred" in the cycling world.

Ever since the end of my thumb was severed off in my crash two years ago and successfully reattached, I've gotten really fond of giving the "thumbs up" for nearly anything. It's kind of become a "signature move" of mine.

Anyway, I tried to get a little lunch time ride video for our website last Friday, but there wasn't a ton of useable footage to make anything with... except for this;

If nothing else, I do have a sense of humor about myself... even if it still means I work with buttheads.



Yokota Fritz said...

Roger Ebert gives this two thumbs up!

Dan O said...


Mark Ritz said...

You should just thumb your nose at them, Tim!