Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Taiwan photo essay part One...

As promised, here are some more pictures... we'll see if the hotel wireless will actually upload it all...
Car is parked and it's time to go to the airport...

The puddlejumper flight to Los Angeles...

Dorks on a Plane- coming out this summer! (Sorry Jill...)

All I got to see of Japan was from the air (very cloudy/ foggy) and in the airport- which is really cool by the way.
Another way to tell you are in Japan is the Sumo wrestling on TV...

(More later...)

1 comment:

Jon Paul Baker said...

Sumo was on TV because it's one of the six Grand Sumo (honbasho) tournaments that happen each year. The one you saw is the January honbasho that's held in Tokyo in January of each year. I was working in Tokyo in 2002 around this time. It was interesting to watch the sumo competition and learn about the sport.