That's my brother-in-law, Jeff, holding his son.
I went to the hospital with my measuring tape in hand so I could get some measurements, but my sister wasn't ready for me to set him up with a bike just yet. It won't be long though- I could see the Masi lust in his eyes.
Happy, healthy and making some good noises. I'm happy to have him in the family already.
Congratulations little sis' and Jeff-boy!
Obviously Sis has no perspective on what's really needed to get a young fella started of on the right track in life. A responsible uncle can't intervene too soon.
You have to ride before you crawl, don't you?
Congratulations Uncle Masiguy! He's a little cutie-patootie!
What? Now is the perfect time! The road rash will heal much faster and he's less likely to have scarring...
No, let him walk first, so he can carry his bike home.
He's the cutest little peanut! I love him already and I can't wait to see him myself!
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