Saturday, December 29, 2007

Anti Hatred

Ugh... here we go again...

Matthew Parris of the Times Online spreads seeds of hatred with intentional stupidity.

Thanks to David Bernstein for pointing this out.



Anonymous said...

Love the tag!

Kk said...

Precisely why I am not going to click on the Times link to read the article. If it was anything other than a ratings ploy he'd be canned by morning - which it already is in jolly olde England.

Jeff said...

The Times is the same as The Sun now, kind of a higher-brow National Enquirer. Some back-story available at:

dan23dan23 said...

I just flew back from London, I sabotaged his flat with piano wire close-lines...

What a jerk - I sure hope he was joking, cause that blatant harmful speak is moronic.

He should spend more time boiling his food, and straightening his teeth.

Kk said...

Bully for you Pater... you're hilarious!