Wednesday, July 26, 2006

It's hot!

Southern California is in the middle of its worst heatwave in decades. It is 10:00PM right now and the sweat is still streaming off of me. In SoCal, we are used to humidity hitting highs of maybe 68% and it feels like it is at least 80+ right now... it is muggy as heck. I grew up in Alabama where summer means 90+ degrees and 100% humidity, but I admit that I have gotten spoiled out here. This stuff is killing me!

Anyway, ranting about the heat is not why I am here. I am here because I really love my job and am thankful that a few of you think I am doing something right. Being away from the blog during the sales meeting really sucked because I honestly enjoy this relationship we have here. Corny? Yes. Sincere? Yes to that too. Honestly, this stuff really gets me going. I value the fact that so many of you come here as often as you do to see what kind of stuff I might be talking about on any given day- that is really cool to me. So, in essence what I am trying to say again is... THANKS!

Very soon, the new catalog will be getting sent out to retailers and will be available upon request through the website. I am really proud of the catalog and I hope you'll see why when you read it and see all the sweet bikes in it. Rick Ortiz did all the design work, Pete Demos did all the studio photography and Kevin Conners snapped the action photos. Without their artistic help, my ideas would have gone nowhere. Rick took my "I'd like it to look like this" comments and made a really great catalog. It was a massive undertaking by all involved and was not without a few "conversation enhancers" being screamed from time to time. By the way, never ever bring up the Ta-la-la song... never.

Thanks for sticking around. I really thank you. I can't wait for the catalogs to get into your hands and for the feedback to start rolling in.



Yokota Fritz said...

Hey, we love you too, TJMG.

Bummer bummer news about Floyd :-(

Gilby said...

Do you still get to be the model in all the pictures?