Today's Daily Drive;

Today's drive has a Special Guest- very special indeed; Masidaughter. It's staying dark in the mornings now that we are in winter, plus it was overcast this morning. Even though it means driving home in the dark, I'm looking forward to the time change so that it is not so dark in the mornings.
Anyway, always nice to have the "punkin" in the car in the mornings... look at that smile!
Its a beautiful life...
Good thing you have the seatbelt on the backpack in the front passanger seat. If a cop stops you it is something like a $500 fine.
BTW, it's NOT winter! It's even cold out here you fruitcake
I would have to disagree with previous post comment. It must be cold out because Tim has been wearing a jacket on his drive to work and he is trying to grow a beard to keep warm. "Trying" is the key word.
Masidaughter is a beautiful child. Nice pic.
Do you have a car cam like in Taxicab Confessions? I need to get me one of those.
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