Always check your roof rack before driving into a garage...

Don't worry, it's not one of my bikes, though I know the owner. I'll forgo calling him out on this... which proves that I'm getting kinder in my old age.
All I will say is that it's a good thing his girlfriend is so cool...
What does it do to the rack?
It is when it happens to the same person twice that you start to worry.
ohhh, so masi bikes are very weak??....just kidding...LOL
Phew, glad I'm not the one to try and make a Masi Folding bike...
i know someone who pulled into a carport with bike on the roof. When he realized what he did, threw in reverse to, uh - correct the situation. Bent frame, fork, seat post and car roof. Sweet. I don't remember if it was a Yakima or Thule rack - it didn't budge at all. Pretty impressive.
I once witnessed a car drive into a parking garage with a roof mounted bike - the type with both wheels attached, bike sitting bolt upright for full crunch-ability
Impact cleaned the rack right off the roof - leaving it in the parking lot with bike still attached. Don't know what type of rack it was - or if it was correctly installed.
During my shop days in the '80s - sold two new bikes to a customer who mounted them on his trunk rack himself. Came back an hour later with 4 wheels bent into a U. Bikes were too low and caught the wheels on the moving ground.
Bike weren't even ridden yet. Yikes.
was that Lawrence's. Ha, he said he was there to "work" on it. go figure. go steelers!
Lawrence's bike? Ah, the culprit...
He said he was there to "work" on it!
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