Saturday, October 27, 2007

Getting better...

The weather has been cooperating and now the fires are beginning to lose the battle against the firefighters. Thanks to increased humidity, calm winds, firefighting aircraft and a little luck, things are getting better.

The sunset on Thursday was still a bit spooky...

... but the sunset Friday was a lot more like normal.

Once again, I got out for a ride Friday night on the Fixed. It felt great to get out again and spin the legs, even though they were feeling pretty beat from a solid week of hard riding. It's been a while since I've done sprint workouts... and my legs can tell.

This morning I got out on the local group ride. Well, I went TO the group ride and then found my good buddy, Andrew Lee- he's the owner of one of my favorite little bike shops- Adams Avenue Bicycles.

(File photo)

Andrew and I peeled off and rode at our own pace, which was just fine with me since I was on the Fixed and the group would have blown my legs to shreds today. It was good to get out and have a great time hanging out with a friend I don't get to see enough of. Since we were riding at our own pace, we got to be conversational and just be two bike nerds talking about bikes and the business. It was fun.

Conveniently for me (and my poor groin), I will be in Tokyo the night of the Adams Avenue Anniversary party- this will be the fourth one and the first one I've missed. I'll be thinking of them all having a blast while I'm in Tokyo (having a blast).

In the end, not a bad day.


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