BUY this issue!

The new Masi ad- I really love how this came together; a feel good ad, as opposed to the typical race win ad. They did just win, with World Track Omnium Champion, Hayden Godfrey.

SoulVille gets a great review! Hot damn! The SoulVille was our 2nd best selling bike this past fiscal year... maybe now it will move up to #1?
SWEET, Tim! Congratulations!
See you in Vegas,
I read the article. Great job with the interview. You can't buy the kind of solid rep. and positive buzz you guys got from the good convo with you and the reporter.
Masi needs to give you a raise.
I just read my Bicycling today. The soulville is one good looking bike. Great review. Good ad.
Congratulations! Seen the ad and article. I was excited to see Masi in the Mag, it does appear you have to buy an ad to get your bikes featured in the magazine. That's a shame, seems to be the norm in the modern Magazine business.
Joel- Actually, Bicycling came to us for the review LONG before we began talking to them about advertising with them and we've gotten a review nearly every year with out doing any advertising at all. It never hurts to advertise with a magazine, but this review was not a case of "pay to play"... trust me on this one.
Great work on the ad and review Tim. Have you traditionally noticed an increase in sales after such reviews and ads?
Great ad! But *I* think you should add a brazilian rep to that list of international distributors...
Keep the good work, Tim!
Which month's issue is it?, I can't seem to find it.
How can I find that badass inferno masi gear?
Tim does the front fork have eyelete to mount a front rack (ie; Paul Flatbed) or are they taken up by the fenders?? -- Rob
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