Things at Masi Global World Domination Headquarters are in full-blown warp factor 9 mode right now. Our National Sales Meeting is on our heels now... like just two weeks away. This means I have to get my act together, both figuratively and literally. Lots and lots of work goes into this meeting and it really does set the tone for the remainder of the year heading into the tradeshows and then into the rest of the year. It's kind of a big deal... ok, it's a huge deal. So, there's no pressure at all... nope, not even a little. CRAP!
The good news is that there are so many exciting and cool things to talk about this year that my usual excitement and passion is going to easily get kicked up a notch or two without even trying. I know that for as long as I've been blogging here, I've been saying that the new products coming out are going to be great... but those words feel like such an understatement now. Seriously folks, I've never been more excited (and even a little scared) about any other project I've worked on with a company. The new bikes, the new looks and new product categories are going to really impress. I know that I am way beyond the usual level of excited and anxious. I am confident though, that it will show in the products that all of you will get to see more of in the coming weeks and months.

It's an exciting time to be a Masi fan. My product manager that I work with, Waynebow- AKA Wayne Doran, and I have been busting some serious butt to make these new bikes happen. We've even enlisted the help of Pat "What's that Smell" Crosby for some frame drawing assistance. Pat works with Jill Hamilton, our MTB Brand Manager over on the Haro side of the building. All of this points to the massive amount of teamwork needed to make a bike line happen.
So with all that is cooking right now, well more like boiling, the posting here may get a little spotty again. Fear not, I will be back. Then I have to leave for Germany and Eurobike at the end of the month. Then I have to get ready for Interbike in Vegas at the end of September. Then I think I may be headed back to Taiwan. Then... a nap... I hope.
Nice rig. I like that 'natural colored cork' tape. Are those the controls to be finally spec'd?
Good job broadening the line!
depends on the size of the gnat. you are more significant than you think
A buncha folks were talkin' shop at the race on Sunday. I overheard them saying. "Well, blah blah blah Masi used to have a steel/carbon road bike blah blah blah man was that a cool bike blah blah blah hope they bring it back yadda yadda.
That's a purty 'cross bike...
All we need to do is follow the Masiguy...and we can find you. Remember to breathe when the pedals get to circling too fast, Tim - and keep up your good work. The cycling world is better for it.
PS - I like the SockGuy, too :)
Tim, we all really appreciate the sacrifices you make to bring us fantastic Masi product. Keep up the great work!
That cross bike looks yummy.
A beautiful bike. Now have to figure out if a new bike is the Speciale Fixed or CX. Better waite until I see the rest of the '08 line.
So...does this mean that there will be more arm flailing than usual at Interbike? Attendees beware... :)
I can't wait to see the new bikes. I am a big cross bike fan, so I am glad to see that one.
By the way, your "real" Technorati ranking is still pretty impressive.
Timmmmaaayyyyyyy...Just 15' feet (ok, when in Rome...5 meters) from the front door of the Hotel Krone (the hotel you are residing at while in Germany), there is a very small, seedy, yet quite charming NUDIE BAR!!! Really! I swear!
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