So today I got out for another 2.5hr ride... but this time I rode with gears!

Anyway, I got a nice 40-45 miles in, but my legs were filled with sand and/ or lead. I can't remember the last time I started a ride feeling so sore and lethargic. It took me at least an hour before my legs began to loosen up and feel "ok". It's probably a sign that I need to back off a little and let my legs recover and let the muscles heal and get stronger. The good news is that I felt better and stronger as the ride went on. Near the end, I was drafting cars in traffic at 45+ mph and feeling pretty good- nothing turns your legs into spinning machines quite like riding a fixed gear. It wasn't until I nearly plowed into the back of the Escalade I was happily drafting and motorpacing behind that I realized that I was flying along in my 53x19! Riding the past week in a 46x16 has gotten my legs a lot faster already!
nice ride"... and I even meant it. So Ricky Racer just kinda snorts and shoots me this sideways glance of total disapproval- I'm in no team kit, I'm "only" riding on a mostly unmarked carbon prototype bike with SRAM Rival (not Force or RED) and I'm clearly going too slow to be a serious cyclist. So I just kind of thought to myself, "dude, you're the kind of ass that gives the rest of us roadies a bad name". I shrug it off since I have nothing to prove to this dork, but the more I think about it, the more he has me pissed off on my blissful Sunday ride. Now I'm getting a little torqued up and the more I see him fading away up the climb, the more I want to chase him down. So... boys always being boys... I chase him down at a mellow, but serious pace. As I pass him, I politely smile and say, "have a nice ride" and roll on up the climb. A few moments later, Captain Happy comes flying by me out of the saddle in his 53x11... without a word, but with strain showing on his face. Now I'm just giggling to myself because I know I'm now going to be enjoying being a thorn in his side for the rest of the hill. I settle in behind him, spinning myHere's the best part of this story: as you can see from the picture above, I rode in "stealth mode" in a plain black wool jersey and plain black bib shorts... I was feeling casual. So I'm plodding along on the long-ish climb, just riding slow tempo to spare my legs, when this guy from one of the local hotshot shop teams comes flying by on his custom yellow Madone with full Dura Ace and Bontrager deep section carbon wheels. As he comes by, I wave to him and say, "have a 39x15 as he begins to sway from side to side with his knees jerking through each pedal stroke with his monster gear. A few moments later I decide to finish this thing off... so I go to my 53x17 and stomp away... smiling as I pass him I say, "enjoy the rest of your ride... and thanks for the draft". I admit, I had to dig WAY deep at that point to maintain my pace, but as I looked back between my legs with my head down, I could see him suddenly sitting upright and riding in his 39x23... beaten and broken.
Now, I don't frequently give in to my ego very often, but I did today. Why today? Because the guy was being an ass because he thought he knew better and knew he was better than me based on a look. I very infrequently cave in like that and I'm not saying that I'm proud of how I reacted, but I am proud that I shelled the guy. I'm a big fan of waving to other cyclists and smiling at them and extending a welcome to the club. We all need to do this if we hope to have more people join in our fun. Otherwise we continue to look like elitist pricks with an attitude. On the same climb, at the beginning, I passed a guy on his dual suspension MTB on the bike path. At first, as I saw him in front of me, I thought he had a terrible case of pedal induced bobbing going on, but as I got closer to him, I could hear him singing to the song on his iPod and could see that he was simply bouncing to the music! When I passed and offered my "have a nice day", he shot back a huge (though startled) smile as he gave me a big thumbs up and kept bouncing away to the beat. That, my friends, is having a good time on your bike. That is what we should ALL be aspiring to.
Yesterday was my nephew Nolen's 4th birthday party. All the family got together and since his birthday is so close to Halloween, costumes were worn by most of the kids... including The Princess...

Katie Cat!
Nolen is a big fan of the Transformers and the party was Transformer themed.

My younger nephew, Jack, was a little devil...
... the cutest little devil ever.
It made for a pretty good weekend. How about yours?

Nolen is a big fan of the Transformers and the party was Transformer themed.

It made for a pretty good weekend. How about yours?
Cracking a poser or fred is one of life's simple pleasures. You can be sure that guy does it to less 'serious' cyclists all the time and gets a little thrill out of it. He got a taste of his own medicine, and Karma's always a bitter pill to swallow.
Tim, your text got a little jumbled up there; at first I thought it was just an RSS glitch, but it seems to be on the site as well.
Still, great story.
I don't know why you'd even question whether or not you're proud of what you did, though. What was the possible harm. You didn't jump off the bike and kick his butt. You did it on the bike. He can take it.
And speaking as the guy who bops along on my mountain bike singing to my ipod, I can say that your little story made my morning.
Happy to hear the fires seem under control. If so, enjoy San Diego. This morning's New England commute: 43 degrees, 20 mph wind.
"Another fine weekend, and week, for riding."
Ponder ware that features reduced pedaling effort, excellent glide while inviting the rider to 'explode' out of corners.
These 'rusty' body parts need help ...
Katie Cat is too cute! Looks like fun was had by all.
Weekend here in the Boston area was a good one...Red Sox swept Colorado in the World Series...even managed to get this non-baseball fan to watch a game or two because they are a young, fun team.
Better than that, though, is hearing that the fires out there are under control!
Nice story! What a way to smoke that joke. I agree with spreading the bike love to all cyclist; mtb or road too. I have been commuting to work in civies and a cx bike and in the opposite lane, pass a local team that I would occasionally ride with. I waved to them, they didn't. Sad that they judge the cover...
I love the story of Ricky Racer. I too make it a point to be friendly to every single cyclistI see out on the bike path I pass. But it never fails that I'll run into at least one Ricky Racer type. And more often that not, the guy will totally blow me off. At this point I usually yell out with false adulation: Team Cinzano! Team Cinzano!
Hi Tim,
Could you please fix the glitch with this post? I love the story so much, but some of it is clearly missing!
Keep on blogging! I'm a fan!
damn, i am that ricky racer guy....
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