Friday, January 25, 2008

Another day in paradise...

Today, after all the rain of the past few days, was a beautiful day. It was still windy, but not as bad as yesterday. Most importantly though, the rains had done their usual magic and washed the skies clean and clear for that impossible blue sky and wonderful clarity that we really only get here after a rain.

It's official- I've got a cold during my little "vacation". However, I haven't let it completely steal away my riding. Today I went for a shorter 1hr 45min ride on my Speciale Fixed. I spent much of the morning actually "working", answering emails and working from the "virtual office". By just before 11:00, I was finally out on the road for a steel-fueled blissful ride.

Here's a view from the end of Point Loma, near Cabrillo National Monument. This overlooks the ocean on one side and the San Diego Bay on the other. This is looking towards the city, from the opening of the bay and the edge of the ocean. Downtown San Diego is down in the middle.

Point Loma is also home to the Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery.

I visited my grandparents today. I stop by now and again and say hello and tell them that I love and miss them. They were great, great people who taught me a lot about life.

Both of my grandfathers were veterans of WWII and both taught me a great deal of respect for the military. Agree with current national policies or not, hate the war or not, we all owe every man and woman in uniform a huge debt. They protect our rights to be a Democrat, Republican, Independent or non-voter. If it wasn't for the sacrifices of the men like my grandfathers, I would not have had the privilege of registering to vote as a Communist when I was 18. I would never have been able to so blatantly and angrily argue with the system of this country. I would never have been so free that I could take freedom for granted each day- none of us would. Each time I visit my grandparents and I see that sea of white grave markers, I get pretty choked up by the magnitude of the prices that have been paid for our freedoms.

Here's another shot of the bay and downtown... obscured by my fat head. Speaking of fat, for those keeping score and playing the home game, I am hovering right at 200-201 today. I knew the 199 was going to go away after I got some dinner and some fluids replaced.

My legs were feeling pretty worked over from yesterday, but they turned the cranks over reasonably well up all the hills to Cabrillo. The ride down the main hill was pretty fun- the 46x16 gear was suddenly feeling mighty small as my legs became a blur on the way down. At one point, I was going a little over 40mph and was passing cars obeying the speed limit. I flew by one woman who was driving along, not expecting to be passed by some 6'3" cyclist with legs spinning at an obscene cadence, weaving between slower cars- the look on her face was totally priceless... and it looked like she dropped her soda in her lap.

I'll probably take the ride tomorrow kinda easy and try not to flog myself too hard. I might even skip riding on Sunday in favor of resting before going back to work on Monday. I'm feeling mighty congested at the moment, though my lungs feel and sound clear still. So far it's all in my sinuses, but I want to keep it out of my lungs.

Ok, it's time to drag my tired, sniffling, congested carcass to bed and get some rest.



Yokota Fritz said...

Nice post, Tim.

Supposed to rain all weekend up here in Santa Cruz. I'm jonesin for a good bike ride in sunny weather ;-)

Kk said...

Gosh I wish I had known! You could have said hi to my dad just a few plaques to the right.

Get better!

T-Guy J said...

Rest on Sunday, I don't understand that concept?

Keep up the are going to kick some a$$ on the track this season



Dr. Logan said...

Howdy Tim. Was just on the Masi website and noticed what I'm guessing is incorrect specs on several of the bikes; I very well may be, and am often wrong:
It says the weight of the fixed is 20.2 lbs, and the commuter and soulville are 16.6 lbs each...? If the soulville is only 16.6 lbs, I'll take two.