You may remember a few weeks ago when I was told "you look like Beeker" and I polled you, the reading public about this dilemna. Well, they are at it again. This time I am told that I look like Gary Fisher. Gary, though a handsome and intelligent man, is no Masiguy. Now, some would reverse that and say that I am no Fish Man (though I can catch fish really well).

Please settle this little argument for me; do I look like Gary Fisher? Yes or no?
I still go with Beeker...
Good call but Beeker it is!!!!
I can't tell you and Gary apart! Although the dude on the bottom photo is a little better looking... ;)
Um.........well, ......sorta.
fisher meets beeker and their love creates masiguy, news at 11, hum is it the same as liberace meets little richard and they made prince?????
Sorry, was there a person in that first photo? I couln't pull my eyes away from that beautiful lugged headtube and fork on the back of the desk...
I think you look more like Gary's Fissure, if you know what I mean, and I believe you do!
don't go for the soul patch! Gary pulls it off, but only just barely . . . it's a very hit-or-miss facial hair concept.
Actually, I believe Gary Fisher is going for the Masiguy look...only younger.
I think you both look like the south end of a north bound mule. And cut down on the dougnuts.Leave some for the cops of the world
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