Here is my bio--you can edit it as much as you want. Anyway here we go.
Name: Mark Hekman
DOB: 4-16-1978
Height: 6'3''
Weight: 180
Hair Color: RED
Occupation: Aspiring Bassoonist/Professional House sitter/Professional
Bicycle mechanic. Oh yeah I am also a bike racer.
Category: Cat 1
Location: Winston-Salem NC

I have been cycling my entire life, literally. I come from an extended family of cyclists. My first century was in fourth grade (nothing like 10 hours in the rain...in gym shorts) and I have ramped it up steadily since then. I started racing as a junior the summer after sixth grade and have raced every single summer. I quit once, but it was in the winter so I guess it doesn't count. I raced on a team when I was a junior, but from 1997 until last year I raced unattatched. Growing up in Michigan the racing is extremely negative and being on a team usually meant just sitting in or blocking for the entire race....I hated that, so I raced for myself and had good success at it. Last year I raced for the Savage Hill Cyling team and had the most fun and the best season ever. I found some guys that got along awesome and race even better together and I loved it. This year is going to be even better. The whole Savage Hill team is intact within AF/Inferno plus 8 other totally awesome fast as hell guys. This year is going to be AMAZING...I get goosebumps just thinking about it.
Here are some of my highlights:
2001 1st Tour de Toona Cat 2 criterium
2001 3rd GC Tour de Toona Cat 2
2002 1st MI State Crit Champ Cat 1, 2
2002 3rd MI State RR Champ Cat 1, 2
2002 1st National 24 Hour RR Champion (456 miles SOLO)
2002 1st Calvins Challenge 12 hour Road Race
2003 1st Calvins Challenge 12 hour Road Race
2003 5th Four Bridges of Elgin (pro-am)
2003 5th Wendys Classic Harrison West
2004 nothing really--I think I got second in a crit somewhere--I did race
2005 15th Athens Twilight
2005 2nd Rock Hill Crit
2005 1st Showdown at Sugar Mountain
2005 1st Habitat Wake Crit
2005 1st Crossroads Classic Crit
2005 10th Elite Crit Champs
2005 2nd Michelin Classic
Tim--I didn't mean to put so many results in--I am not trying to be vain--just use which ones you want. (I get the feeling he couldn't be vain if he tried, seems too nice a guy- Ed)

Here is kind of my philosophy on riding and racing:
I LOVE riding and racing bicycles...period. I race mountiain bikes, road bike, and cross bikes. I love waking up everyday and going for a bike ride. Sometimes I feel guilty for living this way, but I get over it real quick. I hate getting caught up in the numbers of training...just shut up and ride. I think that to race succesfully all you need is the confidence and technique...i think the fitness end of it is the least important (within reason). That is easy for me to say because I have always ridden and I am 27 and have a 16 year base.
I am a Closet UltraMarathoner. I love to suffer. I spent one year trying to qualify for Boston Montreal Boston (a brevet from Boston to Montreal and back) and did, but chickened out at the last minute. I haven't done any big ultras lately, except for a few 100 mile mountain bike races on my rigid
singlespeed. Someday, though when I get older I would love to do RAAM, but for now I think I will concentrate on the hour long criterium...I hear it is hard to recover quickly from RAAM anyway--imagine that.
I am really excited about this year. It is great to be a part of a national program where we get to duke it out week after week against the best in the nation. Our team is not only the coolest team in the country, but will also be the dark horse in every national race we start. We are going to turn
more than a few heads this year. We have an awesome group of guys and some real powerhouses. I can't wait for the racing to start. I am so excited and super motivated, I might even start using a heart rate monitor....nay.

Thanks for all your support this year I am really excited about racing MASI bikes. I was thinking though.. how cool would it be if I were on a vintage steel Masi retrofitted with newer parts. I would love that. I love steel lugged bikes. Let me know if you come across a big one...I will buy it and
race on it and win on it for you. MASI ROCKS!!!!!
Do you see what I'm talking about now? By the way, Mark fails to list in his results that he finished this year ranked 5th in the nation in the USCF/ NRC criterium standings for the season. Not bad for a redheaded wookie look alike. I can't wait to see the podium pictures this year... this is gonna be good. (Oh yeah, and Mark, I'll keep my eyes open for that lugged frame...)
WHoa! I checked in hoping for one new blog post and got FOUR... Score!
Mark reminds me of Rhys Ifans... I hereby propose the nickname "Danny Deckchair"
I have some interesting photos of Marky that I've collected over the past 5 years of Spring Training Camps with him in North Carolina. I might have to find a way of posting them (legally), as I believe the Feds now require some kind of paperwork for porn on the internet!
In that pic of Hek goin thru that turn in his Savage Hill kit, thats me the red booties right ahead of him. Yee haw!
f#%! my pussy!
Just read about Marks Athen's win!
Mark, You rock! (you sick little puppy)
Sorry to hear about you marathon fetish! Maybe it will go away with time.
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