Wednesday, November 07, 2007

NEW Masiguy Contest!

Ok, I've been meaning to do this for months now... so here goes;

San Diego, CA- November 7th, 2007- Tim Jackson of Masiguy pseudo-fame, announced a new promotional contest for the month of November. Now until the end of November, readers of the Masiguy blog can attempt to guess the number of SockGuy manufactured socks in Mr. Jackson's sock drawer. When asked, Mr. Jackson stated, "it's a lot of socks, but SockGuy makes so many wonderful designs and they are such good guys, I just can't stop myself from acquiring more and more of them." Readers must correctly guess the number of pairs of socks in Masiguy's drawer before the end of November. If nobody guesses correctly, the reader who guesss the closest to the actual number wins. The winner, or winners in case of a tie, will receive a gift pack of socks from SockGuy and a Kryptonite lock (if Mr. Jackson can find the box of locks that used to sit under his old desk, courtesy of his good friend, the Kryptonite Marketing Goddess- Donna Tocci). All entries must be posted in the comment section of the Masiguy blog (this post) before December 1st. One entry per contestant. No refunds. No exchanges. Some readers may experience dizziness or mild upset stomach. Side effects may include slight gassiness, shortness of breath, mild warm fuzzies and in rare cases the belief that something intelligent was written.

So, yeah, there is new contest. Winner gets "some socks and a lock". Pretty freakin' cool if you ask me. Winner gets a nice little assortment of cool socks from SockGuy, including a pair of Masi socks- of course- and a nice new lock from Kryptonite.

To assist you in your guessing, I have a couple pictures for you;

These are just the SockGuy socks I have. Hint- at the time of this photo, I'd just finished my laundry and was wearing a pair of SockGuy socks, so add one pair to your guess.

Here are the non-SockGuy socks- roughly 1/3 the number of SockGuy socks.

Seriously, I love all my socks. Many of the socks I have were given to me as gifts. Though the SockGuy socks are my favorite socks for fit and comfort, I love the other socks too and I am grateful for each pair... but this is a contest to guess the SockGuy socks! The folks at SockGuy have been very kind to me over the years and they are buddies of mine, so I wanted to throw them some more love... as if all those Daily Drive posts weren't enough. My good friend Donna Tocci, from Kryptonite, has also been very good to me over the years and was kind enough to send me some locks a while back (and now I have to find them, after the office move of the past couple weeks). Since I have good friends, YOU get the chance to benefit from those friendships.

Good luck!



T-Guy J said...

Sweet, I am the first person to guess...

Considering I have a stack of Sockguy socks, I will guess that you have about 3 times as much as me.

So, I guess you have 24 pairs of Sockguy sock.


Jeremy said...


Street said...


stickboybike said...

Lemme guess 47 Masiguy.

StevenCX said...


Unknown said...

I think it is 42!


Dave said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...


Dave said...


Anonymous said...

You have a serious fetish here Guy-you may want to see someone

Bret Moss said...


Anonymous said...

99 actual socks, so that is 49 pairs and one lost mate. I win right since the box of locks is under my desk?

ADIG said...

I'll go with 58

Anonymous said...

I am going to guess, 73.

I will sneek into Tim's house later when he's asleep and properly count though ;)

Ben & Stephanie said...

It looks like about 40, plus the one's you're 41!

Anonymous said...

I say 61.

Just have to say, I noticed the old-school Swobo blue wool socks in the "other" pile. Those were some of my favorite socks ever.

spokejunky said...

Word problems suck: If TimJ washes all his socks from 1992 to 2007 and dries them in the amount of time it takes him to drive from Santa Clarita to Los Angeles, then what mile marker does Tim and gardner Pepe meet?

42, not unlike the same answer from Monty Python and the meaning of life.

Anonymous said...

I thought 42 was the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. Which Tim has found the question to.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go with 34.

Anonymous said...

i'm going to go with 47

Anonymous said...

okay, I need more sock guy socks. I love the other ones. They make it easy to slide across my floor.


Eat that.

jeff said...

32 is my guess.

James said...

My guess is 51

Yokota Fritz said...

The number of socks is equivalent to whatever the price of oil will be on Friday.

Anonymous said...

And I thought i had a lot of socks... 63.

Super Rookie said...



Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


May said...

59 pairs of socks.

Ron George said...


Mad Skribbler said...

I have to say 46...yeah 46

Eric B. said...

This seems it could be a really good way to get some extra feedback on how many people read your site.

I'ma guess 80.

Ryan said...

My guess is zero.

In the picture the sock guy socks appear to be on your bed, with one non-pictured pair on your feet. So if the picture is our point of reference to respond to the prompt, "guess the number of SockGuy manufactured socks in Mr. Jackson's sock drawer," and we infer that all SockGuy socks are accounted for in the picture (and on your feet at the time the picture was taken), the answer is that no SockGuy socks remain in your drawer.

Anonymous said...

49er sockguysockers!

Anonymous said...

Yea!!! I LOVE SOCKS!! My guess is 61!

Trials_N_Error said...

I'll take a shot... 50 socks!

Little Joe said...

my guess is 34 pairs.

Anonymous said...

...this socks, but i'm sayin' 67 pair...

Jack said...

How about 69 socks

GhostRider said...

71 pairs...but I like "this rish family"'s logic!!!

Mad Skribbler said...

Brilliant deduction my dear Watson!!

lrjh750f1 aka Leonard Hannaby said...

I'm guessing a s**tload!

Well, 66 pairs in numeric terms :) said...

57 pair + 1 loner = 115 individual socks.

Illinoisfrank said...

52 pair.
(you may have to end the contest early because at this rate every number between 20 and 120 will be taken by the 15th.

Judith Aames said...

Wow, that's a lot of socks!

My guess is 44 pairs of SockGuy socks.

Anonymous said...

I say 53

hoodwax said...

i will guess 91 pairs clean and 3 pairs stinky....thanks said...

I say 42