They say you can tell a lot about a person from what CD's they have in their car. I think you can tell even more by the amount and type of crap they can cram underneath their desks. As you can see from this picture, I am a Pisces. Complete with a couple weeks of clothing under my desk. Don't be scared- this is the clean clothes pile.

what i think is more telling besides what you can cram under your desk is the importance given to what is on your desk, such as the 'udderly smooth' udder cream [both greaseless and stainless ;-) ]
what i think is more telling besides what you can cram under your desk is the importance given to what is on your desk, such as the 'udderly smooth' udder cream [both greaseless and stainless ;-) ]
what i think is more telling besides what you can cram under your desk is the importance given to what is on your desk, such as the 'udderly smooth' udder cream [both greaseless and stainless ;-) ]
the dirty clothes pile actually takes up a full cubicle space nearby and many a science project is winding down there
Uh, I'm a fish head also, but my desk is clean. My workshop is pretty neat, too.
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